Globalization transformed the Globe in every possible way. Now the world economy which has become more inter-connected and inter-dependent. But it also made the Global economy competitive and knowledge based, especially in the emerging western countries. International education interconnects methods of education from worldwide systems to encourage the international development of environmental sustainability, as well as contribution toward fortifying global industries. These educational initiatives give access to school from the primary to the university levels, instigating learning experiences that prepare students for multinational leadership roles.
As education giving foundation to global stability, the development of inter cultural awareness from an early age may integrate ideologies sourced from various societies in order to arrive at well-balanced conclusions regarding issues that surround the world as a whole. Globalization and education then come to affect one another through mutual goals of preparing young people for successful futures during which their nations will grow increasingly connected. With globalization a portion of the difficulties for information, instruction and learning will give the present students the capacity to be progressively comfortable with dynamic ideas and questionable circumstances. Data society and worldwide economy requires a comprehension of frameworks considering, including the world framework and business eco-framework. Globalization utilizes a comprehensive way to deal with the issues. The interdisciplinary research approaches are viewed as basic to accomplishing an increasingly complete understanding the mind boggling reality as of now confronting the world framework. It improves the students capacity to control images. Exceedingly profitable work in the present economy will require the student to continually control images, for example, political, legitimate and business terms, and advanced cash.